Energy Efficiency

Improved energy efficiency, including the efficient production, distribution and use of electricity, is central for climate change mitigation and to improve security of supply. However, increased use of electricity can actually enable decarbonisation when it is replacing fossil fuels. Electricity is on track to becoming a carbon neutral energy carrier and, if used more widely in heating, cooling and transport, it can contribute to improved energy efficiency, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Final electricity consumption has decreased in the European Union in recent years. The average annual decrease was 0.9% between 2008 and 2013 power consumption in 2013 stood at 2,711TWh. Most of EURELECTRIC reporting countries experienced a decrease in electricity consumption in 2014.

The power intensity of the European Union has been following a downward trend since 2003. Since 2008, electricity consumption in Europe has been decreasing while, since 2009, GDP has increased steadily.